About the Artefact
An Album of drawings by George Russell Dartnell, from an album titled: "Worthless Scraps from Many Lands."
The album was purchased by the British Museum from Mrs Joan Wagner, who was a descendant of the artist, in 1997. It is kept at The British Museum, but it is not on display. Prior to acquisition by the British Museum the collection was kept in Vancouver (Canada) by Mrs Joan Wagner. The album includes the following drawings:
1. Drawing of the old mud Fort at Madawalatine - Galgeddera Pass in March 1826. A pen and ink drawing with grey wash of a low mud-walled fort with a pair of thatched buildings inside it. In the foreground a woman carrying a pot on her head and holding a child's hand. (Museum number 1997,1109,0.99. Registration number 1997,1109,0.99). Height: 14.80 centimetres. Width: 22.20 centimetres
2. Drawing "Jack" in limbo --Kurunagalle 20 June 1826. A pencil drawing of an elephant ("Jack") standing, straining the tethers holding his back feet to a large peg in the ground. In the background are palm trees the dome and finial of a Buddhist dagoba. On the reverse is a pencil drawing which includes seated and standing figures and large rocks (?) and vegetation. The drawing was made in Kurunegala. Height: 11.50 centimetres. Width: 19.50 centimetres. (Museum number 1997,1109,0.132. Registration number 1997,1109,0.132)
3. Drawing of Wild elephants - at Kandul Oya - 15 June 1826. A pencil drawing of a herd of elephants containing adults and young, standing in a grove of trees. Inscribed and dated. On the reverse are three drawings: a pencil sketch of a leaf, the head and neck of a camel and an accurately draughted pen and ink drawing with grey wash of a house with chimney, the whole arranged with lines drawn to indicate at every point… The drawing was made in Kandul Oya (near Kurunegala). Height: 14.40 centimetres. Width: 19.70 centimetres. (Museum number 1997,1109,0.152. Registration number 1997,1109,0.152)
4. Drawing of Kurunagalle. A pen and black ink drawing with grey wash of a group of standing, bending, and squatting male figures with turbans and short dhotis or loin cloths near a tree. Inscribed and dated Kurunegala 1825. It is inscribed as follows: [...]s pretty little animal is found [..] [...]num [...]s [...]ale parts of the Continent [Indi?]a as well as Ceylon -- It subsists on [...] & berries, [...]is very destructive in gardens [...] the fruit season - Guavas & apples [p]articularly fond of. [Like?] all the Squirrel Species it is ex- [treme]ly nimble, runs & climbs with asto- [nishi]ng rapidity, & leaps from bough to bough [and?] tree to tree with the most wonderful agility- [...]brownish grey fur of a silky texture, soft & [...] marked with 3 longitudinal white bands [...]te back -- Tail long & bushy- [make?]s its nest in the roofs of houses, holes in trees [...] etc -- when taken young may be tamed [...] greatest facility. Soon becomes do- [mesti]cated about the house, & will feed out of [...] hand or off the table. Height: 10.60 centimetres. Width: 16.90 centimetres. (Museum number 1997,1109,0.150. Registration number 1997,1109,0.150).
5. Drawing from the Flag-Staff House - Fort Frederick, Trincomalli - 15 March 1824. A pen and black ink drawing with grey wash of the harbour at Trincomalee, Sri Lanka, depicting the town, beach, bay, boats. a mortar and shot, a palmetto and the flagstaff house. It is inscribed “View from the Flag Staff Point Trincomalle looking over back Bay and the Esplanade & towards the Inner Harbour.” Made in Trincomalee. Height: 21.30 centimetres. Width: 33.10 centimetres. (Museum number 1997,1109,0.28. Registration number 1997,1109,0.28).
6. Drawing of the Collector's Bungalow on the Sea Shore at Batticalloa - Ceylon - 1823. A pen and black ink drawing of a thatched bungalow next to the sea, palm trees and standing figures in the foreground. Inscribed and dated. On the reverse is a pencil and watercolour (pink) drawing of a five-armed starfish and a tiny, unrelated, pencil drawing of a group of figures. Made in Batticaloa. Height: 17.20 centimetres. Width: 25.60 centimetres. (Mus. number 1997,1109,0.48. Registration number 1997,1109,0.48)
7. An unnamed pencil drawing of a walking female figure wearing a sari and carrying bananas or fish in her right hand. Dating to 1823-1835, Sri Lanka. Height: 6.40 centimetres. Width: 3 centimetres. (Museum number 1997,1109,0.159. Registration number 1997,1109,0.159).
8. A drawing entitled Kornagalle - 15 January 1826. A pencil drawing of a dilapidated thatched village hut under a tall tree. On the reverse are small pencil drawings of ships in full sail and a series of Indian or Singhalese male figures, cross-legged, asleep, smoking. Made in Kurunegala. Height: 19.80 centimetres. Width: 12.70 centimetres. (Museum number 1997,1109,0.158. Registration number 1997,1109,0.158).
9. A drawing of Trincomallee Cutcherry - March 1824. A pen and black ink drawing with grey wash of a small group of pillared buildings, the main with two stories in colonial style, next to a beach with a narrow jetty with boats and fishermen. On the reverse are two drawings, one of a European boy and girl with a dog and the other of a lateen rigged sailing boat in full sail. Height: 14.90 centimetres. Width: 21.90 centimetres. (Museum number 1997,1109,0.118. Registration number 1997,1109,0.118).
10. A drawing from the Jaffna road near Trincomalle - December 1823. A pen and black ink drawing with grey wash of a landscape with a road, bridge over a river, a loose fence, trees, hills, and buildings. On the reverse is a further finished drawing in pen and black ink with grey wash of a river scene with trees, thatched huts, and a river craft with oarsmen. Made in Trincomalee. Height: 14.90 centimetres. Width: 22 centimetres. (Museum number 1997,1109,0.109. Registration number 1997,1109,0.109).
11. A drawing entitled The Babes in the Wood. A pen and black ink drawing with grey wash depicting a pair of wild elephants sleeping on the ground head to head in a small clearing in a forest. Made in Kurunegala, 1826. Height: 12.20 centimetres. Width: 19.70 centimetres. (Museum number 1997,1109,0.58. Registration number 1997,1109,0.58).
12. A drawing entitled [...] or Peepul Tree/Ficus Religiosa/ on the Parade Ground at Kurunagalle, Ceylon -- 23 July 1826.. A pen and ink drawing with grey wash of a large Pipal tree (Ficus religiosa) on a shady knoll near a pair of thatched huts. Made in: Kurunegala in 1826. Height: 14.90 centimetres. Width: 22.30 centimetres. (Museum number 1997,1109,0.101. Registration number 1997,1109,0.101).
13. A drawing entitled A Rutth in preparation for the Gentoo Festival of Trincomallee September 1825. Pen and black ink drawing with grey wash and white highlighting of a large temple car or Ratha being covered with cloths by three men in preparation for its use in a Hindu festival (not named in the title). Inscribed and dated. On the reverse: a faint pencil drawing of a male figure labelled J.B. lounging in a chair, his arms behind his head. Made in Trincomalee in 1826. Height: 22.10 centimetres. Width: 14.80 centimetres. (Museum number 1997,1109,0.115. Registration number 1997,1109,0.115).
14. A drawing entitled [...] March 1831. A pencil drawing with sepia washes of a multi-trunked Banyan tree (Ficus indica) at the edge of a body of water with figures sitting on the bank or walking with bundles on their heads. Made in Sri Lanka in 1831. Height: 12 centimetres. Width: 16.60 centimetres. (Museum number 1997,1109,0.171. Registration number 1997,1109,0.171).
15. A drawing entitled Elephant caught by the foot in the fork of a tree whilst endeavouring to reach a Jack fruit. Kandul Oya. 4 March 1825. A watercolour depicting an elephant caught by its front right foot in the fork of a jack fruit tree. His trunk points upwards to a jack fruit hanging from a branch. In the background is the rest of the herd. Made in Sri Lanka, 1825. An inscription notes: The place name Kandul Oya is recorded on an old map of Ceylon published in John Davy, 1821. An Acccount of the Interior of Ceylon. London, Longman, etc. There it is spelled Kandul Oye and is located to the north east of Karunegala town. Height: 12.70 centimetres. Width: 19.90 centimetres. (Museum number 1997,1109,0.38. Registration number 1997,1109,0.38).
16. A drawing entitled Cookin for a Shooting party in the jungle - near Tamblegam - District of Trincomalle – 1824. A pen and black ink drawing with grey wash of a cooking scene near a large tree, servants squat near a fire with steaming cooking pots on it, round about are various pieces of hunting and picnic equipment: guns, powder flask, bottles, tea kettle, lota. On the reverse is a well-finished drawing in the same medium of a set of roadside. The scene on the reverse seems likely to be a view of a group of roadside houses and a small shop, near a water mill, identical or very similar to that in 1997.11-9.093 though taken from the opposite direction. The dormer window, peaked roofs, plank construction of the roof and the small shop. Made in Tambalagam (District Trincomalee), 1824. Height: 14.80 centimetres. Width: 21.80 centimetres. (Museum number 1997,1109,0.146. Registration number 1997,1109,0.146).
17. A drawing entitled The Gentoo God Ganesa at the foot of a Banyan tree at Killawittia near Trincomalle. Pen and black ink drawing with grey wash of a much broken Gaṇeśa statue mounted on a pile of stones at the foot of a Banyan tree (Ficus indica), the whole surrounded by a circle of standing stones. Made in Trincomalee District: Killawittia, 1823-1826. Height: 14.90 centimetres. Width: 22.20 centimetres. (Museum number 1997,1109,0.111. Registration number 1997,1109,0.111).
18. A drawing entitled Gentoo Temple at Trincomallee – 1824. A pen and black ink drawing with grey wash of a small Hindu temple with a thatched and tiled building projecting forward from it. Local trees include palms and bananas. Made in Trincomalee, 1824. Height: 14.50 centimetres. Width: 22 centimetres. (Registration number. 1997,1109,0.117. Museum number 1997,1109,0.117).
19. Drawing entitled Deatura May 1828. Pen and black ink drawing depicting a herd of wild elephants in a clearing in a forest, hills in the background. Made in and after Deatura, 1826. Dartnell served with a regiment (41st of Foot) stationed in Burma from Oct 1825 to August 1826 where it is likely he still was when this drawing was made. Height: 14.40 centimetres. Width: 26.20 centimetres. (Museum number 1997,1109,0.57. Registration number 1997,1109,0.57).
20. Drawing entitled Cingalese Temple on the Lake at Kandy. 2nd April 1826. A pen and ink drawing with grey wash of a religious building (vihara?) on a platform next to a lake (at Kandy), to the right is a dagoba. Made in Kandy, 1826. Height: 14.80 centimetres. Width: 22.20 centimetres (Museum number 1997,1109,0.98. Registration number 1997,1109,0.98).
21. Drawing entitled Gentoo Temple at Trincomalee. A pen and ink drawing with grey wash of a temple gateway with three-storied roof, walled temple compound with thatched and tiled-roofed buildings before a grove of palm trees. In the foreground figures including a woman and baby. Made in Trincomalee, 1824. Height: 14.90 centimetres. Width: 21.90 centimetres. (Museum number 1997,1109,0.96. Registration number 1997,1109,0.96).
22. Drawing entitled Entrance to the Bazaar at Kurunagalle interior of Ceylon 20 July 1825. Pencil drawing of a village with thatched one-story houses along a main street. In the background is a rocky hill; in the foreground is an elephant and rider, a well with women, a cow, and figures in the street. Made in: Kurunegala, 1824. Height: 14.50 centimetres. Width: 22 centimetres. (Museum number 1997,1109,0.110. Registration number 1997,1109,0.110).
23. Drawing with no title. A pencil drawing of a walking female figure wearing a sari and carrying bunches of fish in both hands. Made in Sri Lanka 1823-1835. Height: 6.30 centimetres. Width: 3.50 centimetres. (Museum number 1997,1109,0.160. Registration number 1997,1109,0.160).
24. Drawing entitled Magazine on the Lake at Kandy April 2nd 1826. A pencil drawing of an island on the lake at Kandy on which are built a pair of small buildings with peaked roofs. Made in Kandy, 1826. Height: 14.70 centimetres. Width: 21.80 centimetres. (Museum number 1997,1109,0.97. Registration number 1997,1109,0.97).
25. Drawing entitled Chunee. a Govt. Elephant. Ceylon. A pencil drawing depicting a standing elephant with large tusks and with a leafy branch in his trunk. On the reverse is a small drawing of three large European ships in full sail with mountains in the far distance. Made in Sri Lanka, 1823-1835. Height: 13.40 centimetres. Width: 22.10 centimetres. (Museum number 1997,1109,0.37. Registration number 1997,1109,0.37).
26. Drawing entitled View of the Yaddhissa Galle & Marelooave Kande from the Andhea Galle - near Kurunagalle - 13 July 1826. A pencil drawing of a landscape with two high, pointed hills with jungle-covered slopes. On the reverse are three faint pencil drawings: a seated woman with bonnet and baby on her knee, a soldier with high shako and a standing woman and child (all Europeans). Made in Kurunegala, 1826. Height: 14.70 centimetres. Width: 22.50 centimetres. (Museum number 1997,1109,0.104. Registration number 1997,1109,0.104).
27. Drawing entitled Triincomallee. 10 Nov. 1825. A pen and black ink drawing with grey wash of a religious festival (probably Hindu) showing the canopies of a ratha (see 1997.11-9.0161) and a tall structure (temporary?) with a triangular front gable decorated with lozenges above a four-pillared entrance. A large crowd of people are indicated at the front of these structures, along with a series of umbrellas. Made in Trincomalee, 1825. Height: 18 centimetres. Width: 14.80 centimetres. (Museum number 1997,1109,0.163. Registration number 1997,1109,0.163).
28. Drawing entitled Dutch inscription on the face of one of the rocks at Pagoda Point – Trincomallee. A pen and ink copy of an inscription in Dutch, enclosed in a square frame with a pointed lower edge (see Inscription here for the text). On the reverse is a pencil sketch of a trio of Indians or Sri Lankans standing and sitting near what may be a cooking area with pots, etc. The inscription reads: Tot Gedaghte = nis Van Franci = = na Van Reede Jufa Van Mydregt Desen A= 1687 : 24. April op Geregt. To the memory of Francina van Reede a lady of Mydregt In the year 1687, 24. April [this monument] was erected. Made in Trincomalee, 1823-1835. Height: 7.80 centimetres. Width: 10.70 centimetres. (Museum number 1997,1109,0.169. Registration number 1997,1109,0.169).
29. Drawing entitled Maraloova Kandi -- Kurunagalle January 1826. Pen and black ink drawing with coloured washes of a landscape containing a high, jungle-covered escarpment, trees, a hut on a bank and a narrow road or a small stream. Made in: Kurunegala, 1826. Height: 21.90 centimetres. Width: 14.60 centimetres. (Museum number 1997,1109,0.114. Registration number 1997,1109,0.114).
30. Drawing with no title. A pencil drawing of a river scene with village houses in a dense palm grove, in the foreground a long canoe-like boat with seated passengers and standing steersman, and women standing in the water with pots. On the reverse is a faint pencil drawing of a horizon and, on it, a tiny boat in full sail. Made in Sri Lanka, 1823-1835. Height: 6.80 centimetres. Width: 13.10 centimetres. (Museum number 1997,1109,0.162. Registration number 1997,1109,0.162).
31. Drawing entitled The Land Vidahn Moodillier of Batticolloa - & his two sons. A pencil drawing with red and grey washes of three standing Sinhalese men with high-necked, buttoned tunics above a long, Sinhala-style dhoti, two with turbans, all with bare feet. In the background, a seashore scene. On the reverse is a pencil drawing of a bearded man with a turban and neck cloth. Made in Batticaloa, 1823-1835. Height: 23.20 centimetres. Width: 32.60 centimetres. (Museum number 1997,1109,0.180. Registration number 1997,1109,0.180).
32. Drawing entitled A pet Cobra --Kurunagalle. 12 May 1825. A pencil drawing of a cobra rearing up with spread hood, from inside a pot. Made in Kurunegala, 1825. Height: 17.10 centimetres. Width: 11.50 centimetres. (Museum number 1997,1109,0.177. Registration number 1997,1109,0.177)
33. Drawing entitled Kurunagalle -- June 1826. A pencil drawing of a baby bear at the ages of four months and at six months, one is eating from a dish on the floor, in a house with a three-panelled door and a window with leaded panes. On the reverse is drawing, in pen and black ink with coloured wash, of a cannon set near a harbour with ships (Trincomallee?). Made in Kurunegala, 1826. Height: 12.70 centimetres. Width: 17 centimetres. (Museum number 1997,1109,0.130. Registration number 1997,1109,0.130).
34. Drawing entitled Kurunagalle -- June 1826 Jack's House & Cage. A pencil drawing of a tall palm tree with a narrow trunk growing in front of a thatched hut with a heavy fence blocking one opening and on the right the figure of an elephant (Jack) appearing to be leaving the house for the compound. On the reverse is a pen and black ink drawing with coloured wash of the harbour at Trincomallee. Made in Trincomalee, 1826. Height: 16.60 centimetres. Width: 20.20 centimetres. (Museum number 1997,1109,0.131. Registration number 1997,1109,0.131).
35. Drawing entitled Kaduganava Pass - near Kandy --Augt. 1826. A pen and black ink drawing with grey wash of a narrow road interrupted by a flying buttress-like stone (?) projecting from the hillside to the road and through which the road runs. Behind this feature stands an elephant. In the background is a high, rocky escarpment. Made in Sri Lanka, 1826. Height: 22.10 centimetres. Width: 14.80 centimetres. (Museum number 1997,1109,0.116. Registration number 1997,1109,0.116).
36. Drawing entitled Car of Jaggernaut. (Ruth) Trincomale Septr. 1825. A pen and black ink drawing with white highlighting and red, green, and blue washes, of a ratha (temple car) decorated with banana leaves and with red and white canopies with banners and pennants. A huge crowd stands behind the vehicle. On the reverse is a portrait in black pen and ink of an elderly(?) Indian or Malay(?) steersman. Made in Trincomalee, 1825. Height: 18.40 centimetres. Width: 13.70 centimetres. (Museum number 1997,1109,0.161. Registration number 1997,1109,0.161).
37. Drawing entitled Pagoda Point from the mouth of Salt Water Lake Trincomullee 23 July 1823. A pen and black ink drawing with grey and blue wash of a seashore with palms, rocky headland, ships at sea and a ship's mast seen from one side of the headland. Inscribed and dated. On the reverse is a pencil drawing of two views of a baby elephant: standing and leaning against a tree. In the background is a long thatched building (Dartnell's bungalow?). Made in 1823 (Trincomalee) and 1826 (Kurunegala). Height: 16.40 centimetres. Width: 22 centimetres. (Museum number 1997,1109,0.151. Registration number 1997,1109,0.151).
38. Drawing entitled Gentoo Pagoda near Trincomalle -- Nov. 1823. A pen and black ink drawing with grey wash of a small Hindu temple and associated buildings in a grove of palm and palmetto trees. On the reverse: three drawings in similar media of outrigger canoes and oarsmen, one with a large square sail. Inscribed. Made in: Trincomalee, 1823. Height: 14.90 centimetres. Width: 21.60 centimetres. (Museum number 1997,1109,0.119. Registration number 1997,1109,0.119).